Monday, September 17, 2007

Threesomes and Broken Hearts

Our mistress has picked up an STD from somewhere. The thought of her doing something dirty with someone else is devastating! How could she? Wasn't she happy with what she had? Weren't we good enough to her? Was is just a cheap thrill, she just wanted to see if she could get away with it? Has she done this before and we just didn't know?

I like my husband's mistress. She's mine too. We have a nice 3-way thing, every fall, August to February. My husband pays her more attention than I do, but she and I have our own thing going on. My husband really digs that. But now ... do we get her some penicillin and move on, trying to just forget the whole thing, or do we ditch her entirely? Trouble is, we like her. I mean really like her. We chose her because we liked her, far above and beyond the other 31 mistresses we could have had. We liked her colors, we liked her location, we liked her name. We liked what she seemed to stand for - loyalty, integrity, team spirit. But now it all seems tainted, stained. And we are sad.

The name of our mistress is The New England Patriots. Lately referred to as the Cheatriots, coached by Beli-cheat. :::sigh::: I'm not saying it's undeserved. It just breaks our hearts and makes us hang our heads in shame.

I've heard coaches say, "All coaches do it to some degree." I've heard players say, "Even if they had the other teams defensive signals, they still have to make the play." Other players claimed our victories were actually not our own but theirs instead. I can't blame them for feeling that way, I have no doubt I would too were I on the other side.

What we needed was some sort of validation for our support. We needed to go out there on the field and win, BIG, with all eyes on us to prove we'd won fair and square, on talent and ability alone. And we did! Against the Chargers, no less, the team we beat in the play-offs, the team who begrudged us our celebrating after we'd won, a team who promised to meet us again and give us what-for.

It pained me to watch my Love mourn our team this week. Part of him wanted to cast them off, like a lover caught in bed with another. Part of him wanted them to redeem themselves, redeem his love for them. You need to understand, my husband loves football. LOVES the Pats. He'd watch every game if he could, and if I didn't like football too, I'd be the proverbial football widow. But I knew that going in, and I don't begrudge him his love, nor am I so foolish as to try to make him choose between us. Oh, I have no doubt whatsoever he'd choose me, but I'm not such an idiot wife that I'd look for ways to make my husband resent me. What harm does it do me if he watches games all day Sunday? I can watch with him, and I often do, or I can amuse myself doing other stuff. So not the big.

I think they redeemed themselves for us. Or are at least on their way. In some ways, it's like spanking a recalcitrant child. They misbehave, you punish, they apologize, you forgive. You expect them to be human. But if they step out of line again, well that's another matter entirely.

So we watched the game tonight - a real treat for us since we don't live in the Pats local viewing area and hardly ever get to see them play. I don't know why more women don't watch the games. Seriously, when the commercials brag, "It's the hardware!" we ladies know it's not just the trophies they're referring to. It's the equipment too. ;) Watching strong, athletic men roll around in the hay turf, grunting and groaning, getting all sweaty - well, it just begs to be watched and enjoyed by women everywhere! Manly men doing manly things. Raw masculinity at its finest! Yummy! So why less than a 25% female fan base? Anyway, watching tonight felt like a validation of sorts. Yes, we have the talent, we have the ability, we can play this sport and win big with absolutely no question of cheating whatsoever. Whatever Belichick did, the players claim that it didn't impact them at all. "Absolutely not!" claimed Tom Brady when he was asked if he'd had other teams' defensive signals given to him during games. Everything I read (New England Patriots -; New England Patriots News -; N.E. Patriots - Sports - indicates the Pats fans in New England don't consider it that big a deal - at least, not big enough for the press to act like Belichick is the new Al-Queda in New England. They forgive him, and they want to move on and focus on what the Patriots do best, win. And even though I don't live in New England and am generally not known for my forgiving nature, I think I can do the same.

Go Patriots!


DarcKnyt said...

I still love this post. You did such a good job with this. Hehehe!!

Vanessa said...

Aw, thanks Love! I'm so glad you liked it! :* LTY!