Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Dear Brett

I was browsing through my football news and found this article.  It was kind of a relief actually, because I’m so sick of the Favre thing.  Year after bleeping year we have to deal with this guys’ manipulation of the press, the fans, the Packers management … and no one ever calls him on it.  He gets away with it because “He’s such a great guy and this is a difficult thing for him.”  Oh bullshit!  Pee on your own leg and tell yourself it’s raining, but don’t do that with me!  My husband and I have been saying this for years.  I used to like Brett, mostly because of the cute commercials he used to do, not for anything related to his playing.  Not a Packers fan.  Never have been.  Never will be.  But I used to like #4.  After a while though, the games he was playing OFF the field got tiresome and predictable.  And frustrating as hell.  The media acted like there was no other football news except for the see-sawing of Favre: will he retire?  Won’t he?  THIS year he will!  No, but for sure next year!  On and on and on ad nauseam.  FINALLY he “officially” retired.  But wait!  He never sent in his retirement papers to the Packers!  Crap, he’ll be back, you just wait and see.  And last week, it’s “official” once again, that Brett wants to play but the meany Packers aren’t being nice to him and making him feel like they weally weally want him there.  Whahhhhhh!  Boo-freakin’-hoo! 

So it was with a sigh of relief to find this article, and hear someone in the media finally call this guy out for what he is.  About damn time! 

But it now appears that this image is the product of calculation, not carelessness, and that Favre is far more obsessed about how he is perceived than his public persona would suggest. Here's the evidence:

And I thought I’d write #4 a letter. 

Dear Brett,


Love, the Falcon. 

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