Thursday, July 10, 2008

Bragging a bit

I saw this while going through the posts over on, and I had to brag.  I still love m’boy Brady, even if he didn’t do so hot in the Big Game. 



Posted by Michael David Smith on July 7, 2008, 12:19 p.m. EDT

These few weeks before training camps open are a dead time in the NFL, so it was nice of ESPN to survey the NFL’s 32 head coaches and give the fans a lot of material for arguments.

The latest report from that survey:  NFL head coaches were asked to identify which player they thought teams would select first overall in a league-wide draft of current players, if every single player in the league were available.

Twenty-nine of the 32 head coaches responded to the question, and Patriots quarterback Tom Brady won handily, with 22 votes.  Colts quarterback Peyton Manning was second with six votes.

The one other vote went to Dolphins defensive end Jason Taylor, which probably means that Dolphins coach Tony Sparano decided to vote for Taylor in an attempt to give the impression that there’s a burgeoning trade market for him.

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