Sunday, September 03, 2006

A Sunday in Limbo

It's the Sunday between pre-season and regular season, and there's no football today. Usually when it's on, my husband watches, rapt, while I sort of do other things while it's on my background. So I feel a bit out of sorts, without football on. I mean, it's on, but it's a repeat game from the other night, a game in which the Pats lost, so it's not "live". And I don't really want to watch my team lose, pre-season or not.

But about those Packers, specifically Mr. Farve. I was remembering how much I used to like him, he was so great in those commercials! I especially liked the one of him wearing the helmet and ironing, while the baby upstairs had the coach's helmet on. And the Monday Morning Quarterback commercials from a couple of years ago were great! Remember those? Brett and his wife, walking around town doing errands, and Brett making his comments, like the one about the lady getting her hair cut, the one where the person was eating a chocolate ice cream cone that spilled and Brett commented, "I'd have gone with vanilla, with that sweater, but that's just me."

Well Mr. Farve, I've liked you a lot. Never been a Packer fan, but I have been a Brett fan. Until this past year. I watched you play an awful season. Hey, it happens, I know, but you kept on even though you weren't on your game and it was hurting your team. It's NOT about how much fun YOU'RE having, but about how much you can contribute to your team and the fact is, you're not doing that so much anymore. It's okay to get older, and you've had a great career, certainly one many players would long to have. You even have more than one of the coveted ring which is more than most players can say. So it was time to say goodbye. But you kept everyone on tenterhooks all off-season, keeping your team up in the air when they had decisions to make. You milked and milked your indecision for all it was worth, basically until training camp opened. And you haven't had a great start in the pre-season either. Know what? It's okay to be pushing 40, it's okay to hang up your cleats, it's okay to rest on your laurels. For the good of the team. Because it's not supposed to be about you. And so I say, "Know what Brett? I'd have retired last year, with that record, but that's just me."

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