Wednesday, January 30, 2008

My Superbowl XLII Pick

Sunday February 3, 2008 - Game time 6 pm eastern on FOX.  Pre-game coverage begins 2 pm eastern. 


  • Giants @ Patriots - Patriots


Do I really need to state this? 



music note While writing this, I was listening to "We're Gonna Win" by Bryan Adams


Vanessa said...

rofl! Thanks Raquita! :) You rock!

DarcKnyt said...

No, she RAQS!

Vanessa said...

Oh! That's a good one! I wish I'd thought of it!

Sherri said...

Giants are goin' DOWN!

You're funny :D

Vanessa said...

:) You know, I thought of saying something of a sexual nature, but nah. The Giants are still a good team. Scary good. They made it this far, beating out a couple of really good teams to do it too. (So sorry about your 'boys!) But yeah, I hope they go down in flames. FLAMES! I hope it's a 77-0 blowout! But, I'll settle for a victory by any score. Victory!

DarcKnyt said...


But yeah ... blow-out, not seat-edger. We like those better.

Raquita said...

I'd like Junior to get a ring, bu tI'd like a few vets for the giants to get one too... so I'm up in the air and I am hoping for a nail biter...

rofl!! "She Raqs".. That is actually original I've never gotten that one before. Points for you and for that I won't go to the local superbowl party and totally hate on the patriots (at least I won't do it alot unless there is some die hard there who LURVES the patriots more than their children.)

DarcKnyt said...

Raqui - I love the Patriots a lot, but not more than my children. At least, not until they're teens. Then I probably will.


Vanessa said...

Raquita - yes, it would be nice if Junior could get a winner's ring this time. And there are a lot of good players on the Giants too - but nail biter? No way! My heart can't take the stress! But then, the Pats have won all their SuperBowls by just a field goal, so expecting a blowout probably isn't wise.

Oh please don't totally hate on them! You can do what my little boy does - he always roots for the team that's winning, no matter who it is! lol So if the Pats are ahead, you can root for them! ;)

My Love - no, there's nothing you love more than our babies. And I have no doubt that even when they're in their teens they will still be 2 of every 3 beats of your heart, (1 being reserved for me! ;) ) LTY