Sunday, January 20, 2008

My Conference Championship Picks - UPDATES

UPDATES - Superbowl bound: Patriots and Giants.  Did anyone think the Giants would take down the Packers?  I didn't think they had it in them.  Well.  The 'Bowl will be a re-match of week 17, and let's hope the outcome will be the same. 

If you need to reach me, I'll be doing the Snoopy Happy Dance until Feb. 3, 6 pm eastern, at which time I will resume biting my nails and pulling out my hair. 

Pre-game coverage begins right about ... now. 



Sunday January 20, 2008


AFC Championship Game 3 pm eastern on CBS

  • Chargers 12 @ Patriots 21 - Patriots


NFC Championship Game 6:30 pm eastern FOX

  • Giants 23 @ Packers 20 - Packers


Sherri said...

Aaaargh! The effing Giants in the Superbowl. *shaking head* Stupid effing Giants. Fudgepakers, why did you fail me???

DarcKnyt said...

HA! FudgePakers, that's funny, Sherri.

It's BECAUSE they're FudgePakers that they letcha down, baby. It's that simple. ;)


Vanessa said...

Sherri - I'm so surprised! I thought you hated Favre. Were you rooting for them? Rooting against the Giants because they beat your beloved 'Boys?

My Love - Yes, perfection IS within our grasp. Massholes unite! Can you imagine the party in Boston on Feb 3 if we win the big one? I so wish we could be there!

Sherri said...

I like Brett Favre, except that he does Wrangler commercials. We all make mistakes. Since he's likely to retire this year, I was sort of hoping to see him go to one more Superbowl.

Cowboys have no particular beef with Green Bay, but they hate us because we beat them in a Superbowl years back.

And yeah, I hate the Giants with a purple passion! It hurts that I can't hate Little Manning, too. He's just too nice, plus I love his bro.

We haven't talked in a while, have we?

DarcKnyt said...

I guess I missed all that too. I thought Favre was "boo, hiss" because of the Wrangler thing. That, and him being a dick an' all. That's what I thought.

By the way, he's NOT retiring this year. Not a chance.

They won't get back to the Super Bowl until he does, though. IMO.

Vanessa said...

Sherri - Ah, yeah, I get it now. The division rival Giants, yeah, I see. Sorry it took me a while. Don't worry about Favre though, he will be back. He just does this "Will I or won't I" thing every year. It's part of his schtick now. No, we haven't talked in a while. I'll look for you tonight on chat. I've really missed you.

My Love - I thought that too, but oh well. I used to like him too, until the jerk side of him really started to show through. And no, he won't retire this year, are you kidding? I can hear it now, "Look how close we got in '07, we can go all the way in '08 so I have to stay just one more year ... " Yeah. Put that "thinking cap" on Brett and go sit in your "thinking chair" and think your ass off, because the only one who still buys that you're "thinking" of retiring, is you.