Sunday, February 03, 2008

Did you know ...

It's not easy to throw up and cry at the same time, but somehow I manage. 

I have hated New York for 30 years.  And now I hate it even more. 



Anonymous said...

since I am not a real live Giants actual fan I will do no rubbing in as I felt this way when my 'Boys got the boot.
I am sorry for your loss.

Anonymous said...

now my sister-in law - SHE might have somm rubbing to dish out, as she is a real live Giants fan - living in new york with bad accent and everything... but me not me..

Vanessa said...

Aw Sweetie, thanks for being so nice about it.

Losing sucks, doesn't it.

And don't take this the wrong way, but today, I am glad I don't know your sister-in-law. I'm already raw, I don't need any rubbing.

The 'Boys? Not the Rams? That might be an interesting story!

Anonymous said...

yes the Boys, before we had the rams my daddy was a cowboys fan, I am the consumate daddys girl so I loved the boys cause he did, but when we got the rams my dad changed aliances, probably cause hte boys wer suckin so bad in those days but I remained.. I am not fair weather. i love the rams cause they are my city's team but the Boys are my heart.