Monday, February 04, 2008

On Being a Patriots Fan

The Patriots have had a soft spot in my heart since 1978, when Darryl Stingley took a hit that paralyzed him for life during a game against the Raiders.  I was a Raiders fan then, just a kid, but still sickened by the way the fans in the stands cheered when he went down.  I swore I would never forget that man.  From that day on, I have never thought of the Patriots without his name whispering in the back of my brain.  And while I may like to think of myself as a tender-hearted person, I am confident that it's because of him I pray, "Please get up, please get UP!" whenever I see a player go down, regardless of the team they play for. 

I spent close to the first 40 years of my life being a Raiders fan, and you can read more about that here, if you'd like.  But that soft spot for the Patriots began to get a bit softer during the 2001 season, after the 9/11 attacks.  Even during that Raiders-Patriots playoff game with the now infamous "tuck rule", there was a tiny voice within me that said, "Wouldn't it be sweet, if the Patriots go on to win this year?"  I am nothing if not patriotic, and there seemed some kind of honey with the Patriots winning America's game that season, when America was hurting so badly.  It just fit, didn't it?  I know you felt it too.  We were all of us patriots then. 

Not long after that, my husband and I decided to cast off the teams we'd inherited from our respective genetic donors, and location of birth.  We chose the Patriots to be our team, for a variety of reasons.  And we are not the fair-weather type of fan.  They were our team yesterday; they remain our team today.  Heartsick?  Oh you have no idea.  But even if they never win another game, they will remain our team.  If I had a Patriots jersey, I would wear it today with pride.  No other team in the history of the NFL has accomplished what they have this year, and they have nothing to be ashamed of.  I know it's hard not to feel ashamed and humiliated today, but the records will show that they did something amazing this year.  And I am proud of them. 

As for Belichick, apparently he walked off the field before the final play of the game.  I didn't see that, because I left the room when there was 39 seconds left on the play clock.  I can relate to Bill.  I understand him.  And I know that everyone out there is calling him an asshole today.  I can forgive him for walking off.  I know that I wouldn't want hundreds of cameras going off in my face at one of the most excruciating and humiliating moments in my life, would you?  All anyone wanted was the photo-op of him getting his face rubbed in it, and he denied them the opportunity.  I guess when you coach your team through an 18-0 season, only to lose in the Superbowl, and you don't walk off the field, then you can say you're a bigger man than he is.  No other coach has ever been in his position before, no other coach has ever had that record before.  Maybe he didn't want the pictures of him heaving up his guts, or weeping his tears, to make the rounds.  I know I wouldn't.  Immature?  Yeah, I'll grant you that - it would have been nice if he could have just shrugged it off and walked over to shake Coughlin's hand.  I know why he didn't though, but then maybe I'm immature and an asshole too.  I don't think I could have shrugged it off either.

Maybe next year will be better.  Maybe not.  It doesn't matter, I'll still be a Patriots fan.  Fanatic.  Rabid.  Passionate about, and in love with my team.  Just like you are with yours. 

Today I hurt though.  Badly.  So for all united Massholes everywhere, to Bill and all the guys on the coaching staff, to everyone in the Patriots organization, to Tom, Tedy, Randy, Junior, Wes, Kevin, Donte, Assante, Laurence, ALL the guys on the team - I want to say Great Job!  You have done an amazing thing this year, and I am still proud of you.  It has been an incredible, and Mad Season.  Thank you.


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