Wednesday, August 08, 2007

Did you say prostitution?

I had a full blown rant going on in my head this afternoon. Oh man, I was on fire! I was witty and articulate, passionate and skilled in my arguments. I had it going on like nobody's business and I was going to post and get lots of people interested in what I had to say, and change the world.

Sure I was.

Then the baby took a late nap and woke up at 10. Then it got to be after midnight and I looked at my blogs and thought, "huh? What post? Oh. Yeah." And I proceeded to head toward the couch and dozed off for a few minutes while the baby ate a hot dog and planted kisses on my leg.

So now it's after 2am and I don't feel so passionate anymore. But what I was thinking was this: Prostitution should be legalized. :::gasp::: How can you call yourself a Christian and say such things?!? Easy. Watch, I'll say it again - I think prostitution should be legalized. Not because I think it's such a promising career, but because I think as a society we're hypocrites if we don't legalize it. On a couple of different levels. First, a person can sell their artwork, their writing, their photography, and they can sing and/or dance. They can provide nursing care, child care, wait on us in restaurants - name any service in the service industry you want and it's legal. But prostitution isn't. Aren't they too just providing a service that lots of men are willing to pay for? This is what they have to offer but for some reason society raises its collective eyebrows and shakes its finger in the hookers' faces and yells, "NO!" And it does this in the face of my 2nd point, which is this: abortion is legal, porn is legal, sexual promiscuity is legal ... a woman supposedly is allowed to do whatever she wants with her body in this county, except sell it. But she can sell it to the porn industry to make movies of herself having sex with strange men, and she gets paid for her services. What's the effing difference???

So I say legalize it. Stop being so hypocritical. Does anybody actually believe that somehow women are going to stop selling their bodies and that men are going to stop paying for it? Hardly. So make it legal, set up houses like they did in Nevada, make the women get regular disease checks and drug tests, photo ID necessary for all the men coming to have sex with them. Require condoms, have cameras posted - ok maybe not in the rooms to protect people's privacy, but in hallways so that they can be ID'd if a woman gets hurt or something. Aren't hookers the most sought after target of serial killers? Probably rapists too, it just doesn't get reported. I mean think about it, if you were a hooker, would you report it if you got raped? So that probably happens to them a lot too. And no, they're not asking for it. They're just trying to make a living like anyone else. Anyway, this would help protect them from being victims of violent crime. And then tax the heck out of it. Do you have any notion the kind of revenue that would provide? I mean seriously, do you? We'd probably be able to provide free health care for the entire nation on the kind of revenue prostitution taxes would bring in. And take care of the national debt in the bargain too.

No little girl says, "I wanna be a hooker when I grow up!" These are women who somehow got sucked into that life for one bad reason or another, and we just add insult to injury by treating them like pariahs. They're just women. And it's just men who make them what they are. I mean c'mon, if there weren't any men to pay for it, women wouldn't be able to sell it. And sometimes a girl just has to eat. So let's stop being hypocrites and treat prostitution like the industry it is and then use it for something good, something positive.

Rant over.

1 comment:

Nomarless said...

Very interesting take. Not sure you would get many "forward" thinkers to agree with you.

Thanks for your comments and support. I'm not sure I deserved that...