Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Not Much to Say

It's been a bit since I've posted. So says Captain Obvious.

Last Tuesday was the baby's birthday - she turned 2. It's so hard for me to believe sometimes that she's 2, and other times it seems she should be about 15 by now. She's so sweet - the night of her birthday, her 5 y/o brother fell asleep on the couch, and she went to get the blanket off his bed and covered him up with it. She does "big girl" things like that a lot. Other times, she's still my baby. She loves to nurse - I swear I've never seen a child who loves to nurse as much as this one does. All my other babies had pretty much weaned themselves by this age, but this one doesn't seem to have any inclination to do so. So, my boobs still aren't my own for the time being. :::sigh::: I tell myself to be patient. She's the last baby and I know I'll miss it when she's done. It will be a milestone for us, and for me especially. Plus, she's one of the most polite babies I've ever come across too. Somehow she remembers to say please and thank you, always says "bless you" when I sneeze, and "are you awight?" when I cough. Of course, nothing is as sweet as, "I wud you mommy!"

My son has been doing well in home school. We're taking a post-quarter break right now, much needed for me. I feel like I can't get organized, just can't get it together. I'm hoping this little break will give me a chance to do that so going forward will be less stressful. He can read now though. :::proud mama smile::: And he's learning math although that one's a bit harder. I think the whole concept of addition and subtraction takes some getting used to. And, he's got the most beautiful eyes, which he uses to his advantage. This boy's going to be a lady-killer when he's older. I shudder to think of his teen years and all the broken hearts he's going to leave behind. My daughter, on the other hand, will not be allowed to date. Daddy's looking for guns already. ;)

So I have 2 of the most awesome-ly cute babies on the planet, an incredibly articulate and ceative husband, and I can't think of a thing to say. I think I'm the straight man in the family. I'm neither funny nor creative but I can heartily appreciate both in other people. When I was little I wanted to grow up and marry Johnny Carson (he, of course would remain ageless until I caught up) because I thought he was so funny, and he looked like he smelled nice. Laughter is one of the 5 greatest gifts God gave to humanity - the other 4 being sex, chocolate, coffee, and ice cream - pick your own order! No need to guess what I like to do on a Saturday morning! ;)

Until next time!

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