Friday, August 17, 2007

It's Like Living in a Cartoon!

First, there's the little one. She is constantly bouncing, like Tigger, almost all day. Bouncy trouncy flouncy pouncy fun fun fun fun fun! For her, not so much for me. She just goes. "Wun! Weally fass!" Which, translated from two-year-old speak is, "Run! Really fast!" Which she does. She almost never walks anywhere if she can run there, or hop, skip, or jump. She has great joy and freedom, and I envy her her energy.

My son is like the Charlie Brown strips where he's yelling, "Aaarrrrgggghhh!" because Lucy pulled the football away. (Sorry, could not get a picture from so I used another one instead) All day it's "Aaarrrggghhh!" about something, whether it's a video game he's playing, a toy that isn't working right, something he lost and can't find (like a shoe), his sister bugging him, or something I've asked him to do ... like put his shoes away. If he's not yelling, he's doing sound effects - shooting Spiderman webs, firing rockets, shooting tanks, driving tanks, driving good guy tanks shooting at bad guy tanks, making weird breathing sounds like Venom, talking like Darth Vader, or just general whooshing sounds. And, when he's not doing any of that, he's talking to himself when he plays his video games! One day he will make some girls' heart melt, because he's not going to be the silent type of boyfriend!

My husband can do voices like no one I've ever heard before too. One time I counted all the different voices he could do just from the Simpsons, and got to around 2 dozen before I begged him to stop because I was laughing so hard. Sometimes he'd answer me in Barney's voice, or Mr. Burns, or Apu. Other times, he just uses an accent. Once we walked around a mall speaking in a British accent, another time we convinced a salesperson we were from Tennessee. Yet another time we made a waitress believe I was deaf and he used sign language the whole time we were at the restaurant! And you just haven't lived until you've heard him do his more ethnic routines - the man from China makes me laugh the most, as well as the guy from Wisconsin act he does. I never know what's going to pop out of his mouth, or in what mode either, so he keeps me on my toes and entertained a lot.

Sometimes, it's like living on the Enterprise. My daughter has a thing with doors lately. She can't walk past one without closing it. And since we use the bathroom in our bedroom to smoke in, it means a lot of closing doors - especially on those more stressful days! If she doesn't get to close the door, oh my gosh, she screams bloody murder! We have to open it again just so she can close it! My husband once told me that he was thinking about following people around at work whenever they walked into a meeting room or something just so he could close the door. "It's been so long since I've been able to close a door I'm afraid I've forgotten how, and I sort of want to see what all the fuss is about," he said jokingly to me once. I never have to worry about the door closing behind me, just like on Star Trek. It's the closing in front of me that's the problem. And if I don't move fast enough, it will hit me in the butt on the way through!

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