Tuesday, July 10, 2007

A New Word

Have you ever had one of those moments, when you're with your best friend, and one of you says something sort of silly and then neither of you can stop laughing? I almost never make my husband laugh - not the good kind anyway, the kind of laugh-till-you-can't-breathe kind of laugh. Maybe once a year I'll say something really good that goes into the "archives" of our life together, and becomes one of our, "Remember when ..." kind of memories. That happened to me last night. I said something really silly, and then we couldn't stop laughing the rest of the way home.

My husband and I were driving back from grabbing some take-out last night. It had been a rough day - see his post about that. There is a stop light near the Burger King, and while we were waiting for the light to turn green, I noticed the sign in front of the burger place. "It's BACK!" screamed the sign. "STERNBURGER". Hmm, I wondered to myself, did Burger King make some kind of deal with Howard Stern? Silly me, I then voiced my thought out loud. "I dunno," replied my spouse. I said, "If they did, they ought to call it the noseburger, or uglyburger." Um no, we're not fans of Howard Stern, shock-jock. I could have sworn my husband said, "Whopper-anus", so I popped off with "Whopper-hole." There was about a 3 second span of total silence, and then we both started laughing and just couldn't stop! The rest of the way home, we laughed and laughed - so hard there were tears coming out of my eyes at least, and my husband kept trying to say, "My sides!" Then we'd laugh some more. Whopperhole! Whopperhole! It's a new swear word for us! (Good to have when there are kids around. My son even made up a swear word once, that I'll have to post about soon.) I have no doubt one of us will use it at some point. What a whopperhole that guy is! Stop being such a whopperhole! LOL

I realized, as I was laughing, that the sign meant to say WESTERNBURGER but the first E had fallen off and there was a huge gap between the W and the STERN part. I also found out later that my husband had actually said, "Whopper-amus" as in "ignoramus" and not "anus" at all. None the less, it was still funny as hell, and now we have a new chuckle moment for times to come. :)

1 comment:

DarcKnyt said...

That was one of your best, love. I think both of us being as exhausted as we were contributed to the silliness -- two slap-happy people giggling hysterically about something most people probably wouldn't have found funny at all.

But I've laughed about it a couple of times today, right out loud. :)

Good times ... good times.