Friday, November 10, 2006

She did it!

She said "mama"!

She, my daughter, is just 15 1/2 months old. She walked fairly early (10 months or so) but hasn't been big on the talking thing. She hasn't really needed to, since she's so good at communicating what she wants without words anyway. Oh Lord can she communicate! You just have no idea! She's fairly good at "Daddy" and "shoe" and she tries to say her brother's name, and she kind of says "Thank you", although it comes out as "Angue." And she even tries to say, "diaper." But she has never said, "Mama." It stung, just a tad; afterall, I've been with her every moment of her life, I've taken care of her in all ways, been nursing her since the moment she was born, and she still wouldn't say "Mama"? What am I, chopped liver? I figured "mama" would be the very first thing she said, but no.

Yet, today she said, "Mama!" Over and over and over. :) And I gotta tell ya, my heart swelled and I got a bit teary. She's my baby, my last one, and we're so close. I just wanted to hear her call to me, and finally, she has. :)

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