Tuesday, November 07, 2006

An Open Letter to My Husband

My Love,

I realized when I sat down to write this that I didn’t really know what to say. How to condense what we are and what I feel into mere words?

Happy Anniversary.

These years with you have been the best of my life. Yeah, the external events that have happened to us, that we’ve had to deal with, have probably been the worst of our lives, but being with you, being your wife, has been the most wonderful thing that I’ve ever known.

I am often amazed that we are even together. How to explain the fact that we even found each other? It’s one of those head-shaking things, it’s just unreal. But it is real, and it could only have been Divinely worked out. You are literally a dream come true for me. All the notions I had in my head of my ideal guy, my ideal marriage – it’s like God wrapped you up in a big bow and plopped you down on my doorstep and said, “Here it is! One wish come true!” There are moments when I’m afraid that being with you has been just a dream too, and that I’ll wake up still alone one day.

The odds are so against us, in so many ways. Statistics try to mock us, and we just laugh. What have statistics to do with what God has joined? And every trial we’ve had to face, trials that would crush lesser marriages, have only seemed to make us stronger. I marvel at that. I am humbled by that. One could wrap up any and all good deeds I may do in this life, and they would never be enough to earn what we have. It is a gift, a gift of such magnitude that it is 2nd only to the Greatest Gift that God gave Man, in my opinion. People live their whole lives looking for this kind of thing, and we have it. Is that not amazing?

Our courtship was so incredible. I often think back on those days, (lol, literally days!). I remember the first e-mail you sent after you saw my personal ad. I was so impressed! After going through probably 200 responses, yours stood out like a beacon. And those first phone calls, that lasted for hours. Something was happening, I could feel it, but I was afraid to believe it could really be what it was. And I will never forget that sensation of recognizing you during our first date (that lasted 3 days! Oh what fun!). At the end of it, do you remember? Sitting in that pizza place, knowing the weekend was nearly over, you said quietly, “Do you think it could work? If we got married?” And I smiled and said, “Yes, I do.” Was it only 2 days later you proposed? It seemed like forever until we married, but I loved how we approached that time prior to our wedding with an attitude of full disclosure instead of “best foot forward.” I love how we tried to be honest with each other, revealing our “bad sides” and saying, “Can you live with this?” There were no real surprises with you. And I still know now, just as I knew then, you are the perfect man for me.

And it seemed appropriate to tell you online, since we met online, that I love you, that I’m glad we’re married. That I’m proud and honored to be your wife. I love what we have together, and no matter how much time we have left, it will never be enough.

Happy Anniversary, Love.

With all my heart, forever and in every way,


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