Monday, October 09, 2006


Well, I did it! I got all my boxes unpacked! WooHoo! I met my 2 week goal and got it done. I feel like the last 2 months have been non-stop busy busy gogogo. And it's not just the packing, moving, and unpacking - it's also trying to make dinner (not every night - the love of my life is pretty good about us getting take out), taking care of the kids, nursing the baby, doing laundry, balancing the checkbook - all the day-to-day things that still need to be done no matter what you're doing. Those things don't get suspended just because you have to move, or get sick, or anything else.

So now I can get back to my "schedule", my list of daily chores I try to get done. And I can try to get started on the excercise program I got a few weeks ago but haven't had time to start. Back to the "business" of living, without the added stuff like packing. I am so tired of packing. No, I mean, you really have no idea. In 2003 we had to move everything we owned twice in a 3 month period, after which we lived out of our suitcases for almost a year. During that time, we lived under 5 different roofs, not counting motels. There are times when I think if I see another cardboard box I'm going to scream. I want to live my life, not move through it. But I know I'm not done yet, with moving I mean. This isn't my "forever" home. It is a nice place though, and I'm content to rest here for a while.

Miss J., if you're reading this, you made a comment about moving, about not living where you want, and I have a couple of suggestions for you. You've done it before, right? It can be done again. I've moved across country a few times myself and I know exactly how you feel. First, research. Find out as much as you can about job options in the location you'd like to live, or if you can "telecommute" from your current job. Research housing, moving expenses, if you have friends or family in the area you'd like to live in, ask if they can help you. They can drive by apartments or houses and give you a better idea of the neighborhood, that sort of thing. If it's a doable thing to move, then plan, plan, and plan some more. Make a list of all the things that will need to get done, otherwise you'll forget something. It's really not a lot different than a local move, it just requires more time to put it all together. But you CAN do it. And if you decide to look into this and need some help, I'm right here and I'll do whatever I can to assist you. In the meantime, we're really looking forward to seeing you in a few weeks. :)


DarcKnyt said...

Well done!! BRAVO

Great work, love. Goal achieved; next!!

... and by next, of course, I mean "NAPO". :)

Vanessa said...

Thank you Beloved. :) It's you I aim to please.

I haven't forgotten NAPO. Matter of fact, I had an idea the other day ....