Thursday, September 28, 2006


Okay, so maybe not idly smoking a cigarette, but the movers were early. Neener. Actually, all I had left to do when they called to say they were 5 minutes away was wake up and dress the kids, and pack the bedding. Naturally, there's always a few little things, and we knew we had to come back the next day to clean and empty out the fridge. Otherwise, the move went pretty smoothly, and we were loaded, moved, and unloaded in 3 hours. I called the same company we used last year and asked for the same crew, but only one guy was still with the company. He's nice, and he stroked my ego praising my labeling system. :)

So, after moving Saturday, cleaning the old place Sunday, to me our 1st real day here in the new place was Monday. I actually woke up happy. I didn't realize just how oppressed I felt at our last place. It's hard to explain and when I try, people usually cross their eyes, so I often don't bother. Let's just call it a gut instinct type of thing and leave it at that. I didn't have a good feeling about our last place. But I do here and it's sooooo nice to feel that way about where you live. So I woke up Monday and knew I had to get over to the office to drop off some paperwork. The guy in the office is a real sweetheart and reminds me and my husband of the dancing guy in the Diet Coke commercials. I asked him if the doors could be fixed because they wouldn't close with the new carpeting, and a couple of light fixtures were burned out, that sort of thing. He put in a work order and I came back home ... and the neatest thing happened. Do you believe in omens? We, me and the kids, walked up to our door, and there sunning itself right on the door was a butterfly! A lovely shimmering swallowtail! Now, if you knew me, you'd know that butterflies are sort of my personal symbol. And to see one on the door, when there's no flowers of any kind around now, and certainly not any butterfly specific plants, it was a pretty unusual thing to see one on the door. It made me feel that God was smiling at me, and blessing our new home. We just stood there for several minutes watching it, until the baby got too heavy and I wanted to come in so I could put her down. It was just the coolest thing to see.

Our new place is nice. I have lots of room in the kitchen which is so unbelievably nice I can't begin to tell you. I feel like I can breathe here, like there's room to move around without always bumping into furniture or having to navigate around it. I just feel really jacked, and it's been 7 years since I felt this way. We have been in such a dark, dark tunnel for the last 4 years, and being here, and seeing the butterfly on the door makes me feel like there's really a light at the end of the tunnel, that maybe it really is a tunnel and not a cave like it's seemed. So thank you Lord, for Your blessing, for bringing us this far, for always being there even when it didn't seem like it. You were there in our weeping, and there in our joy, and You are ever present in our hope.


Animatrixie said...

Niiiiice! I know how much symbolic things like that can affect mood, so I'm glad that butterfly was there for ya! :) I'm just trying to catch up on everyone's journal entries, so, I'm glad the move went smoothly!!! I so miss the midwest...I will only be able to handle it in this craphole city for so much longer...Some days I really know I'm just eventually going to melt down....But how do you pick up your entire life and move it to where you think you might be happier without setting it down in an alley somewhere? Man, I feel stuck.....

I'm glad you guys are feeling happier in your new place, though! Congrats on a successful move and the good butterfly omen! :) *hugs*

DarcKnyt said...

HEY! I unpacked my clothes, didn't I?

As I've repeatedly told you -- a job well done, love.