Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Baby Knows

C'mere.  See that little divot in the wall above the bed there?  On the left, above the pillows.  Squint.  Got it?  I noticed it myself a few weeks ago, and I kept forgetting to ask my husband if he knew where it came from.  No, it's not big ... I figured the kids did it when they were in here playing or something.  Looks like the corner of a toy banged into the wall or something.  They know they're not supposed to play in here but sometimes they get a little carried away.  Well, I found out the other night where that little divot came from.  I came out of the smoking room, and my husband and daughter were playing tickle on the bed. 

My husband pointed to the divot.  "Have you seen that?" 

"Yeah, I've been meaning to ask you about that, if you knew what caused it."

"The baby knows," he replied.  "Tell Mommy where the hole came from," he said to my daughter.

She stuck her finger in the mark.  "See the hole, Mommy?"

"Yes, I see it.  How did it get there?" I asked her.

"Patriots lost," she told me, before scrambling off the bed.

I glanced at my husband, who had a sheepish look on his face.  "She knew that?  Good grief, she's only 2!" 

"I know," he responded.  "She remembered that from 3 months ago.  I'm still not over it."  I knew he meant the lost Superbowl game, when he'd thrown something at the wall in frustration.

"Me either.  I can't believe she knew that."  I kissed him goodnight.

Well.  Now I know where the divot came from.  I think I still have some spackle I can use to fix it.  And I also know that my daughter has an amazing memory and is incredibly observant. 



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