Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Baby Boys and Birthdays

It's amazing how fast time flies, isn't it? My boy turned 6 today. Half the time my minds' eye sees him as a newborn, all wrinkled and wizened; scowling. The other half sees the future him, asking for the car keys, scowling. Yeah, he gets that scowling thing from Daddy. He really was born with it and it cracks me up the way he mimics his father. My son is scary-sharp smart like his daddy too. He already has used deductive reasoning for things, and he can sass back with the best of them. His brain is like a rocket, ready to blast off, and the knowledge that it's up to me to make sure he gets where he needs to get without blowing off course is daunting.

Sons are different. To me anyway. Oh, I know the little girl routine, that's second nature. Boys, on the other hand, have always been alien to me. They do things for unknown and questionable reasons. They like dirt. They like noise. There isn't a room big enough to contain them and their energy. A daughter will sit quietly playing with dolls, or having a tea party. They will put on make-up and dress up as the princess they long to be. But boys want to be scary, and do the scaring. They want to look frightening. (hence the scowl, naturally ;) ) I have never understood little boys, so God plopped one in my lap. The most beautiful one in the world to be sure, but still a boy. Ahh, a challenge! I have to figure him out now, I have to know what makes my boy tick! I have learned far more about Spiderman than I ever knew existed. I have learned that boys practice that intimidating look on their moms first, to see how far they can take it. I have learned that boys can be far more defiant than I ever thought possible for a child. I have also learned that boys can be louder than I ever thought possible for a child.

I have also come to realize that although my husband may tell me I'm beautiful, it's when my son says, "You're the most beautifullest mom in the whole world," that my heart melts and my eyes well up with tears. One day he'll see me as I am so I relish those moments in the meantime. I used to think that if I had a son, I would try to raise him to be my ideal man. I have since come to learn that I can't possibly raise him to be my ideal man - I have to teach him to be his ideal man, the best man he can be, the man God wants him to be.

My son may still be a child, but in many ways I'm the one doing the learning. My joy-boy has a lot to teach me.

Happy Birthday Baby Boy.

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