Tuesday, June 05, 2007


It was getting on to 9 o'clock. We were just finishing a late dinner when the knock came on the door. We thought it was our new upstairs neighbors, returning the phone book they'd borrowed the day before when they'd accidentally locked themselves out of their new apartment and needed to find a locksmith.

The face on the other side of the door was not a familiar one. Instead it was some college kid trying to sell something. Now, usually in apartments, we're free of such annoyances. But as we have a private entrance I suppose it's something we will have to deal with.

As soon as my husband opened the door the kid started in on his script, which he'd tried to embellish with humor, unsuccessfully I might add. "Hi! My name's Mike, from blahdy-blah-blah club, and you are?"

"Busy." replied my husband. I swear he said this!

The kid was undaunted however, tried to chuckle, and went on with his speech! "I'm a marketing student and trying to raise money for, can you guess? Parties! No, just kidding!" My husband didn't laugh. We're concerned enough about providing for our own children's college educations without being solicited to provide for someone else's.

"Look, Mike, I'm sure you're a really great marketing student," responded tired husband, "but this really isn't a good time." And Mike, persevering to the last, tried to go on with his script before my husband closed the door in his face. He turned around, saw me quietly laughing and said, "What?"

I busted out loud then. "I can't believe you said that! 'Busy.' Oh my gosh that was so funny! And the kid didn't take the hint! Was he stupid or what?!" He started laughing then too, and we spent the next hour giggling every time we thought of it.

There are lots of reasons why I love this guy, and this is a small example of one of them.



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