Friday, September 08, 2006

You've got to be kidding!

I saw this article on Yahoo this morning: It stated, in part;

"What this brain imaging data ... suggests is that it is just not hormones that are causing teenagers to be their typical selves it could also be the fact that their brains are developing as well," said Dr Sarah Blakemore, a neuroscientist at University College London (UCL)."

Any parent of a teen (and I am, 2 of them) groans a collective, "DUH!"

Like we needed a neuroscientist to tell us that.

The problem is getting the teens, who think they're already adults and prepared to go out there and take on the world, to understand that they're not done growing yet. Try telling a teen they don't have all the answers. Go ahead. I dare you. You'll have more success spinning plates on sticks.

Sometimes these University people really bug me. They come up with all this amazing new data, that people have known for centuries. Does anyone remember the Time magazine cover from about 10 years ago that stated, "Men and women are different!"? How's that for news! Now they tell us that teen brains are still developing. Really?? Wow. Who would have guessed.

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