Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Just thoughts for today

It sucks to be sick. It's even suckier to be sick when you have 2 small children and you're trying to get all the packing done so you can move in a couple of weeks. I hardly ever get sick, and when I do I can usually push through it since I hardly ever get anything more than a cold. So now I have a cold, but it's moved down into my chest and since I've hardly had any sleep for a while, it's knocked me down. I hate that.

Goodwill came and took everything, even the sofa and chair. The sofa was broken, which really angered me. We just bought it little more than a year ago, and 9 months later, my husband sat down after a long day at work and we heard a huge cracking sound. Turns out the support bar where the back and seat meet was pieces glued together. And the company we bought it from wouldn't honor the warranty because we'd moved since purchasing it. So we'll NEVER buy from them again. I'd say we paid good money for it, but that sounds like a lame expression to me. Do we ever pay for something with anything other than money? Is any money ever bad? None-the-less, we did pay a lot of money (for us) for the set and it makes me mad that it just broke like that. You expect more. So, I found a place online that sells inexpensive sofas that are RTA, and I'll let you know how that goes when it arrives. I have a tailbone problem so I'm a bit worried about comfort but all the reviews have only good things to say. I decided on that because the big box Swedish place was our other option, and I decided I wanted to buy American. I really hope I'm not disappointed.

On the Steve Irwin thing ... my heart truly goes out to his wife and children. It's a horrible thing to lose a husband and father. And I pray for only good things for their futures. That being said, it makes me really sad that this man couldn't put aside his need for adventure for the sake of his children. They needed him more than "conservationalism" did. To me, it's suicide by adventure - this man wouldn't stop chasing after dangerous animals for anything, not even for his babies. I didn't dislike him, not by any means, he made me laugh sometimes. But there ought to come a point in a person's life when they look around and realize it's time to stop taking risks, it's time to put other's needs ahead of our own wants. The lead-foot driver usually slows down when there's a car seat in the back of the car. Steve Irwin didn't, and for that, I am sorry for the family he left behind.

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