Monday, September 18, 2006

Let the stress begin!

It's the last week. Actually, the movers will be here in just 5 days. I am so excited! I am so stressed! Well, not very stressed anyway. There are a few things left to do, I need to pack up my desk, always last because it's the guts of our home. I have a few things left in the kitchen and bathroom but overall, there's really not a lot to do besides some cleaning. I intend to be idly smoking a cigarette when the movers get here.

My new loveseat is nice. I mean I actually like it. I put it together in about 2 hours. The UPS guy delivered it in 2 boxes and it all went pretty smoothly. The hardest part was keeping my toddler from investigating everything while I was trying to assemble it all. I like that I can change the style of it if I want. I like that I can change the fabric if I want. And I like that there's storage under the seats. It was affordable, it was pretty easy to put together, it's versatile, and I recommend it. for those interested. Oh, and it's comfortable too, even for one with a tailbone as messed up as mine. My son has fallen asleep on it pretty much every night since it arrived. Did I say it was pretty easy to put together? All I needed was a screwdriver. A power one would have been nice but it really wasn't necessary. See, I got the email that it was on it's way, the couch I mean, and I decided to surprise my husband. He was getting impatient, waiting. Sitting on the floor to watch TV sucks when you're a grown-up, and our old sofa had been gone for over a week after goodwill took it. So when I got the email delivery notice for the new sofa, I thought about telling him but decided against it. He works hard at a pretty stressful job, and I didn't want him to have to deal with putting together a sofa as soon as he got home from work. What a thing to be greeted with, "Hi Honey, I know you've had a hard day, now put this together." So I did it myself. I wanted him to be able to just sit down, and he did! He liked it, liked that he could just kick back and relax. It's a good thing. :)

I am slowly getting better. I still cough but not as much. If the baby didn't keep me up until 4-5AM I'd probably be much better. Sleep is precious and I miss it. Speaking of which, I had a dream about something that I need to look up. More later ....

(Later ...) I just did some figuring. I figured out that this upcoming move will be my 22nd. Granted, I'd moved 5 times before I was 6, but still. The last dozen or so have been moves where I was responsible for packing and organizing, not someone else. I've learned a lot, by necessity if not by desire. I hate moving. And I hate it not just for the work part, but because all my life I've always wanted just a place to call my own. My own dirt, literally, where I could plant some flowers and actually be there the next year to see them bloom. I envy people who grew up in one home and their parents still live there and they can go back, take their kids, that sort of thing. I have always longed for that. My spirit cries for my spot, my own little patch that belongs to me, where I can plant what I want and paint the walls whatever color I want. Maybe one day. I've learned that life is about change. And you can't change that. I used to fight it, hard. But I've learned it's best to just try to roll with it as best you can because it's like fighting a tsunami and if you don't learn to hold your breath and roll with it, you'll get sucked under and drowned. Even if the change is not a good one, there will be more change after that - it just keeps going, and the change after that might be better. Life kind of carries us along on its current and there's not much you can do about it, no matter what kind of plans you make. As the saying goes, "Life is what happens while you're making other plans." Yeah, I can speak from experience on that one. But, I've got my metaphorical scuba gear on, ready for the next wave, got almost all my boxes packed, and have my goals defined. I'm ready! Bring it on!


DarcKnyt said...

We're in it together, for better or worse, richer or poorer, sickness and health, in good times and bad, until death do us part.

We've seen almost all of those situations, actually ...

Vanessa said...

Whither thou goest, My Love. Always I will be by your side, no matter what.