Sunday, December 30, 2007

My Football Picks for Week 17 - The Last Week! - UPDATES

Sunday Late Games - UPDATES - Yeah, what was I was saying about home teams before?  Can you say I sucked this week?  I knew you could.  I can see the Redskins beating the Cowboys since they wanted to make the playoffs, but by 21 points?  Ouch!  And the Chiefs letting the Jets get away with that one is just wrong.  Vikings, kiss your playoff hopes goodbye, the Redskins make the cut.  Well, I guess the Browns have now learned not to leave their fate in the hands of the Titans.  Browns are out now, Titans are in.  And I end the week with a sorry 6-10, and the season with 132-62.  But that season total translates into a .680% average, and that's not too bad I guess.  I'll have my wild card picks up later in the week.  The Post-Season now begins! 

Sunday Early Games - UPDATES - Well, I figured the Dolphins would try to get one more win for the season.  I figured wrong!  Not just on that one, but on several of the early games!  I thought the Saints would try harder to make the playoffs.  Nope.  Can you believe the Jaguars got whomped by the Texans?  Looks like the home teams had the better part of the advantage in most of the early games.  Will that stay true for the later ones as well?  If it does, I'm in trouble!

Saturday Night Game - UPDATES - WOO!!! My Beloved Patriots! They did it!

Saturday Night Game - 8 pm eastern NFL Network, CBS, and NBC

  • Patriots 38 @ Giants 35 - Patriots

Sunday Early Games - 1 pm eastern

  • 49ers 7 @ Browns 20 - Browns
  • Lions 13 @ Packers 34 - Packers
  • Saints 25 @ Bears 33 - Saints
  • Jaguars 28 @ Texans 42 - Jaguars
  • Panthers 31 @ Buccaneers 23 - Buccaneers
  • Seahawks 41 @ Falcons 44 - Seahawks
  • Bengals 38 @ Dolphins 25 - Dolphins
  • Bills 9 @ Eagles 17 - Eagles

Sunday Afternoon Games - 4ish eastern

  • Vikings 19 @ Broncos 22 - Vikings
  • Chargers 30 @ Raiders 17 - Chargers
  • Rams 19 @ Cardinals 48 - Cardinals
  • Chiefs 10 @ Jets 13 - Chiefs
  • Cowboys 6 @ Redskins 27 - Cowboys
  • Steelers 21 @ Ravens 27 - Steelers

Sunday Night Game - 8:15 pm eastern NBC

Last regular season game!

  • Titans 16 @ Colts 10 - Colts


DarcKnyt said...

Good grief, it's been a rough week! Man! Jags dropping to the Texans?? WTF?? The Seahawks dropping to the Falcons?? LOSERS! You had it coming with the 'Fins, though. ;)

Hopefully tonight will shape up better than the early games for you love. SHHEEEESH. Ugly week so far.

Anonymous said...

funny how I didn't know you had a foot ball page til the end of the season...

Vanessa said...

My Love - yes, I had it coming with the fins. But the Jags? And the hawks? WTF indeed!

Raquita - that's funny! Yeah, I dedicated this site to football several weeks ago. I hope to find things to post about during the off season though, so don't leave! And thanks for popping over! It's good to see you here!

DarcKnyt said...

6-10 ... wow. Well, you're still better than the Jest and the Dolphass ... COMBINED! HA! See, 'cause they're 5-27 combined ... see?

You'll have to be more studious now, though! It's ON now!

Vanessa said...

Well, that is an accomplishment I can be proud of. Better than the Jets and Dolphins combined. ;) Woo! Combined!

But yes, you are right, time for fun is over, the studies must begin. Playoffs = test time!

Actually, that .680 puts me just a hair behind the Jaguars ... but better than the Titans. :D

DarcKnyt said...

And, of course, the PATRIOTS are .1000 ... heh!