Sunday, November 25, 2007

My Football Picks for Week 12 - UPDATES

UPDATES - Monday Night Game - Grass Stew anyone?  With all that rainwater on the field in Pittsburgh, the ball barely bounced.  I know a bunch of guys who are taking a nice, long, HOT shower right about now.  Way to go Steelers!  Leave those Dolphins not just winless, but scoreless too!  And I end the week 9-7, and the season to date 82-32.

UPDATES - Sunday Night Games - And Patriots fans everywhere breathe a collective sigh of relief.  We don't like them this close.  All together now - "whew!"  So far this week I'm 8-7.  Terrible!  The Steelers absolutely cannot lose tomorrow! 

UPDATES - Sunday Morning Games - See kids, this is why mom always told you to do your homework, so you're prepared for the tests.  I didn't do any research for the games this week, and look what happened!  I'm 3-5 for the morning games this week!  That makes me 6-5 so far for the week.  Then again, who knew Eli would gift wrap so many touchdowns for the opposing Vikings? 

UPDATES - Thanksgiving Day Games - As expected, the stronger teams led the day, and I hope you had a chance to watch, in between rounds of turkey, stuffing, and pie.  :)  I wanted to post earlier, but it seems our internet connection had other ideas.  I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving Day, with lots to spare and share. 

Thanksgiving Day Games

  • Packers 37 @ Lions 26 - Packers
  • Jets 3 @ Cowboys 34 - Cowboys
  • Colts 31 @ Falcons 13 - Colts


Sunday Games: Games at 1 pm eastern

  • Titans 6 @ Bengals 35 - Titans
  • Seahawks 24 @ Rams 19 - Seahawks
  • Vikings 41 @ Giants 17 - Giants
  • Saints 31 @ Panthers 6 - Panthers
  • Redskins 13 @ Buccaneers 19 - Buccaneers
  • Texans 17 @ Browns 27 - Browns
  • Bills 14 @ Jaguars 36 - Bills
  • Raiders 20 @ Chiefs 17 - Chiefs


Games at 4ish eastern

  • 49ers 37 @ Cardinals 31 - Cardinals
  • Broncos 34 @ Bears 37 - Broncos
  • Ravens 14 @ Chargers 32 - Chargers


Sunday Night Game 8:15 eastern

  • Eagles 28 @ Patriots 31 - Patriots


Monday Night Game 8:30 pm eastern

  • Dolphins 0 @ Steelers 3 - Steelers

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