Sunday, March 04, 2007

Valentine's Day Adventure

My husband asked me to tell this story. You should know, in our family, I am not the funny one - he is. I couldn't tell a joke properly even if I had cue cards. Every once in a purple moon (being much rarer than blue ones) I happen to tell something funny. I bask in my brief glory. When I related these events to my husband shortly after they happened, he told me he was in stitches. I could hear him laughing over the phone. He begged me to blog this. So, this is for you, Love.

It was Valentine's Day, the day for lovers and such. We often think of ourselves as newlyweds, my husband and I. The rest of the time we believe we've been married for centuries, and that is still not long enough. On this particular Valentine's Day though, it had snowed. Not one of those Rockwell kind of snows but the cold, wet glop of freezing water that makes you feel like God has just dumped mountains of it on you.

I had texted back and forth a few times with my husband that day. He kept wanting to know if the gift he had ordered for me had arrived. Finally I suggested he check out the web site, because it was past delivery time and we were getting a bit concerned that it wouldn't come that day as promised, as paid for. After checking, he texted back that it HAD been delivered, to the apartment offices where we live. Well. I wasn't happy about that. What is it about living in an apartment that makes a delivery company believe you are not as worthy of door-to-door delivery as those who own single-family homes? It is a point of contention for me nearly every time I order something online. I pay to have something delivered to ME, not to the office, and I am here every day, all the time, so they cannot say they attempted to deliver something and I wasn't there. I used to hear that excuse all the time where I used to live. They never check - they just go directly to the complex office.

I knew my husband wouldn't be home before the office closed that day, so that meant I'd have to get myself and the kids ready to trek across the street to the office. Usually, it's just mostly a pain to get the kids ready. The baby's not too bad, but my son for some reason is highly resistant to changing his clothes and especially putting on a jacket of any kind. We argue and struggle until he's ready. I swear I could dress 10 babies in the time it takes him to get ready to go anywhere. Once that's done however, the walk across the street isn't too bad. It's perhaps 75-100 feet from our door. I can see in the windows there, see them sitting at their desks, see the folks working out at the gym right next to the office. By myself I can walk it in maybe 15 seconds. With a toddler and a small boy, it's longer.

I must explain how it works so you get an idea. While our apartment is directly across from the office, there is a parking lot right outside our door, and beyond the parking lot is a grassy area that lowers to the street that meanders through the complex. Past that is the sidewalk on the other side of the street and then a walkway and steps that lead one into the office itself. On our side, there is a sidewalk so people can get from the parking lot to the street. Our apartment is in the middle of the parking lot, with entrances on either side, about 150-200 feet down. So, to get to our door, you have to enter the parking lot, and go past a few buildings to get to ours.

So on this day, when I found out my Valentine's Day gift was at the office, I realized I'd have to wait for the baby to wake up from her nap before I could go. They closed at 6. I ... encouraged ... my son to start getting ready so he'd have enough time to do that. Needless to say I was slightly on the frustrated side, but only slightly. Finally, around 5 the baby woke up and I got her dressed. For both of the kids this meant getting the heavy coats out since it was below freezing and the wind was blowing strongly. At last, we were ready to go.

We stepped out the door and the first thing my son did was yell, "Happy Valentine's Day everybody!" at the top of his lungs. Thankfully, there was no one else outside. But in case you didn't hear him, my son wishes you a Happy Valentine's Day.

The baby wanted to walk. She is very insistent about that. Now that she can, she must. So I held her hand, and took hold of my son with my other hand. The parking lot had been plowed, the sidewalks had been plowed, and we set forth. Until we got to the sidewalk that takes you from the parking lot to the street. Somehow, that sidewalk had been overlooked. So I stood there, in the freezing wind trying to think of what to do. The snow on the sidewalk I needed to use was at least up to my knees, and higher where the plows had plowed snow along the edges of the lot. Heavy sigh. I looked to my left. That driveway was about 200-250 feet away. I looked to my right, that driveway was about 150-200 feet away. Shorter. I started off in that direction until a gust of wind nearly knocked us down. Well now, I couldn't very well have the kids walk all that way in that weather. It may only be 150 feet in one direction, but then I'd have to walk an equal distance to the office, and then repeat the whole thing on the way back. Hmmm. I decided to brave the unplowed sidewalk. That way would at least get us indoors sooner and out of the cold.

We had to climb, literally, the mountain of snow created by the snowplows, to get to where I was pretty sure the sidewalk was supposed to be. I had to pick up the baby because there was no way she was going to be able to walk through that - it was taller than she was. Since I was carrying her, I had to hear her express her displeasure about not being able to walk, and my son had to voice his that he had to walk and couldn't be carried like the baby. Sigh. He's 5 now, and I just couldn't carry them both, so he had to walk through snow that was at least up to his waist. "Just don't let go of my hand!" I told him, "and try to walk in my footprints!"

At last we made it across the street and into the office. "I'm here to pick up a package," I told the lady, "I called a little while ago." "Oh yes!" she replied, "Let me check." She walked across the hall to the room where they store package deliveries and I followed her. She picked through a few boxes then announced, "Oh yeah, your husband picked it up already."

Now, I am not a person prone to doing physical harm to other people, but in that moment, when I could look out the window and see my front door and the very obvious fact that my husband wasn't home nor could he have picked up a package, nor would he without calling me knowing I was going to do it, I was sorely tempted to slap her.

"No, he didn't." I ground out through gritted teeth.

"Oh, well, perhaps your son then."

I pointed to my boy, 5 years old, and said, "He's my only one, and he's not allowed to walk across the street by himself."

She could tell that I was getting angrier with each passing moment. She looked again, and low and behold, right in front of her was my package.

I am sure my "Thank you" was anything but gracious and I asked her to please see that the sidewalks were plowed, then left. I walked out the office door and was faced with the daunting task of somehow getting both my children and my package back home.

The slope back up from the street to the parking lot is fairly high. So I picked up the baby football style in one arm, my package the same way in the other arm, and instructed my son to hold on to my coat. We managed to get over the rise where my son promptly fell face first into the snow. "Follow my footsteps!" I cried. "I can't!" he yelled back at me, wandering off to my right. "Can I make snow angels, Mom?" "NO!" I yelled back at him, by this time more frustrated than ever, when I heard the little, "Howp!" coming from the baby. "Howp!" again. She's just learning how to talk, so help comes out howp. She was sliding out of her coat, and out of my arms. We got it a bit on the big side so she'd have some growing room, but right now it was big enough for her to start sliding out, her little tummy exposed to the blowing wind. So I had to put the package down, re-set the baby on my hip, grab my son and yank him out of the snow, and my phone started alerting me I had a text message. I rolled my eyes in exasperation. The phone would have to wait.

At last we got back home. A typical 30 second jaunt for me there and back took about 30 minutes. I was exhausted. And wet. We all had to change clothes. But I had my Valentine's Day gift. A lovely vase with roses, a bracelet that matched, some yummy chocolates, and a sweet pink teddy bear.

And the sidewalk was plowed the next day.

1 comment:

DarcKnyt said...

Hardly worth the effort, was it? :)

Love you!

It was funnier when you told it to me on the phone. Re-do it that way.
