Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Happy Birthday!

It is my beloved's birthday.

If I could, I'd buy you so many things, things I know you'd like. A huge house, an art studio, woodworking tools galore, books, a plasma TV, cars. You'd want for nothing.

If I could, I'd lay you down in a big bed and make love to you all night, and day. Or maybe on a boat.

I'd feed you chocolate cake, steaks done to perfection, burgers, all kinds of foods you love.

If I had a magic wand, the world would become a wonderful place for you, full of happiness and peace, joy and love. I'd erase all your pain.

There would be no traffic to speak of, no days too hot or too cold. You'd have all the clothes you could ever want, and Christmas trees 12 feet high. And I'd give you that suit you want so much.

I'd give you a time machine so you could undo those regrets you have, and so we could marry young and have all the children we wanted.

These things I'd do for you, and more, if I could.

In the meantime, and until I can, please know I'm wishing you a wonderful birthday, and loving you with all my heart.

1 comment:

DarcKnyt said...

Thank you. This means so much. I know how sincerely you mean all the things you say.

And that second paragraph? I may try to cash in on that. :)

I love you.